Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Classic Banana Bundt Cake

Mary of The Food Librarian chose Classic Banana Bundt Cake for this weeks TWD. This was really good! It's a nice simple recipe and what I liked best about it, was there were no spices, nuts or raisins in it! I like my quick breads like that. This did fill my bundt pan, causing it to overflow in the oven (so you might want to either put a sheet pan under it, or use 2 loaf pans). I used 1 1/2 Cups of mashed bananas which was 4 bananas, I think? It had a lot of banana flavor, but I would've used 2 Cups if I had more. I also used 3/4 Cup plain yogurt and 1/4 Cup sour cream. During the last half hour of baking, I covered it with parchment, because I don't like my baked good to get too dark.

As Dorie suggested, it really is even better and even more moist the next day. The kids ate it right up! I served it plain, but the lemony glaze sounds good too, as Dorie mentioned.

Please stop by The Food Librarian and grab the recipe and make some of this! It's a bread to snack on any time of day!

*there are no photos of the whole bundt, it was that good that I had to hurry and get some photos of the last 1/3 of the bundt before it was gone.



  1. Sounds like quite a few people were unable to get a picture of the full bundt thanks to how wonderful it was :) Beautiful job!

  2. Rachelle, This looks great! I like that you mixed the yogurt and sour cream. Thanks so much for baking along with me this week! - mary the food librarian

  3. Looks fabulous and so glad everyone liked it! We loved this cake and I will definitely be making it again. By request too!

  4. Your cake looks so moist and yummy! I wouldn't be able to resist it either!

  5. Your cake looks fabulous! I almost had an overflow incident with mine too but fortunately it didn't actually spill into the oven.

  6. Tell me about it.. this recipe was AWESOME!

  7. Well, the photos you have of the sliced cake are certainly enticing. Nice job!

  8. Beautiful.

    I heart the plate you have it on.

  9. Somedays it is pure torture to read your blog. I am so hungry and I want that banana bread!! YUMMY!! This recipe looks great and I will have to make it before Friday. I too love the plate!!

  10. It's pretty funny how many people were only able to photograph partial cakes. Looks lovely, though!

  11. OMG, this is the second banana bread I've seen this week! Does this mean I have to bake one? Oh... twist my arm.

  12. Looks wonderful - glad it was such a hit! We loved it too.
