Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Cherry-Fudge Brownie Torte

April of Short + Rose decided on Dorie's Cherry-Fudge Brownie Torte for TWD this week. I posted in the TWD P & Qs that I would probably change the recipe a little, to suit us. Since this reminded me of a Black Forest Cake I made for my Dad’s Bday once,
I didn't want to use dried cherries, instead I used Trader Joe’s Morello Cherries (YUM!) in the jar (plus dried cherries doesn’t appeal to me with the fancy cream topping), and instead of Kirsch (no liquor here), I used some of the juice from the jar and with the jam, I let it boil a little. I also instead of paying $4+ for a little thing of mascarpone, I made some faux mascarpone found here.

This came out pretty good! Very rich though. I loved the cherries in this, it kept it moist. No one ever knew there was fresh ground pepper in it either! Yeah, pepper! I only used 2 cranks of my mill so I used even less than Dorie called for. The topping was nice too and tasted great. In fact, it sort of reminded me of these other TWD brownies, Espresso Cheesecake Brownies.



  1. What a beautiful dessert. My family is big on a dessert buffet over the holidays, and I think this would be a great addition.

  2. Rachelle it's beautiful! Picture perfect :)

  3. Your torte looks great! I thought it was delicious--will have to try the tip for "faux" mascarpone!

  4. Eeekk!!! I am just now seeing this and you just sent me over the edge!! It looks so perfect and divine, beyond yummy! Like heaven. WoW!! I am so in trouble, I WAS going to be good today with halloween being tomorrow and all but forget that!

  5. Your brownie torte looks so pretty with the cocoa dusting! The cherries on top are the perfect touch too! =)
