Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Sweet Potato Biscuits

Erin of Prudence Pennywise (great blog!) selected Sweet Potato Biscuits for her week at TWD.

From Mommy I'm Hungry

When I first heard of these, i knew I wanted to have them with a roasted chicken dinner. Sweet potatoes/yams are a big weakness in our family, so yay for Thanksgiving coming soon!! I prefer using the fresh yams, but even Dorie suggested canned was fine for these. They were! The flavor was wonderful, they were soft and "dry" like regular biscuits are (and I am not a fan of regular biscuits because of how dry they are). They went great with our roast chicken dinner (recipes to come!). Everyone liked them, yes we all did! They're a keeper, the kind you write "Good!" in the book next to the title. =)

From Mommy I'm Hungry

Dorie said to use two 15 oz cans of yam, but then just use 3/4 -1 C of fresh mashed yams if you had them. I wasn't sure if she was giving 2 different measurements, but I went with 1 C. of mashed canned. I don't think it would've hurt them to use it all though. I opted for nutmeg in these, since I do that for my baked yams.

From Mommy I'm Hungry

You might want to check Erin's post for the recipe, these would be great with Holiday meals and any day!

From Mommy I'm Hungry

From Mommy I'm Hungry



  1. Love your photos. The biscuits look heavenly!

  2. slup drool dribble! yes, these do sound wonderful. My favorite way to make sweet potatoes is to bake them, peel them and smash them with butter, a LITTLE bit of brown surgar, and 3 drops of FOOD GRADE TANGERINE OIL. ...so good! the thing about food grade oil is BEST IS LESS...the oil seems to grow in flavor.

  3. I would so gobble up that plate of food you have pictured..looks wonderful and tasty! Your biscuits turned out great..so fluffy and fat looking!

  4. I had the same question about the amount of sweet potatoes to use. Yours look awesome--especially the one with melty butter.

  5. Your biscuits rose so nicely! They look great!

  6. Your biscuits came out perfect! I'm definitely making these again.

  7. Your biscuits came out perfect! Great job.

  8. Great photos! Your biscuits are perfect!

  9. Looks like a successful biscuit. Nice job.
