Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Ornament Wreath Craft

I am so proud of myself for once, finally finishing a craft, and in just weeks of having the idea to make it! Perhaps you've seen this around the blogs/web such as here, but I saw it here which took me there. I thought it was easy enough for me (and I am not a crafty person) so I thought what the heck, I need a new wreath for the door anyway!

I set off to the Dollar Tree store to get what I'd need. Being November back when I started buying what I needed, I thought I'd have plenty of time to get different ornaments. So I started with some green, gold and red. Then I realized I would need lots more! So I went back (like a couple weeks later) and of course! They were running very low on ornaments. I scrounged up all the greens and whatever else I thought would look good. I like red, green and gold best for Christmas so I stuck with that. I ended up with some ornaments I thought would be tacky (the paper ribbon and glitter ones) but I loved it when it was all together.

I threaded tiny ornaments with bigger ones and added a jingle bell here and there. When it was all full, I had some bare spots where ornaments wouldn't fit right with each other, and don't go trying to move them, or you'll break the little hole thingy. So I hot glued some in the spots. Oh, and don't forget to hot glue each hook onto each ornament before starting.
I counted about 70ish ornaments on this wreath so figure about the same.



  1. Oh how I wish i was a crafty person, I so want one of those, I have't broken down and bought one yet. I have been watching Martha and they showed how to do that.. UMM ya I suck..


  2. how beautiful! i hope to try to make this for next year!

  3. That looks like something I could do! And there will be some items available after Christmas as a savings. Hmmm. But I've been known to forget things -- so I'll create a Task in my PDA to bop up and remind me in November! I had a good idea this afternoon for my great-grands for next year (this year is DONE!) and I created a task to remind me about that, too. Thanks!!!!

  4. Looks fantastic! Have a great holiday!


  5. This is SOOOO cute! I'm totally doing this next wreaths are tired and old so I need something pretty and shiny!

  6. Girl, you did GREAT!! I love it!! Good job!! ANd I swear I am sending you out your late present. I am I swear!!
