Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesdays with Dorie: Chocolate Oatmeal Almost-Candy Bars

room temp

Wow, it's been a while since I've baked with TWD. I don't know what happened, all of a sudden I have no desire to want to bake or eat sweet treats. I guess that could be a good thing, right? But because I admire Dorie, I'll pick it up and keep baking along with her.

Lillian of Confectiona’s Realm chose Dorie's Chocolate Oatmeal Almost-Candy Bars for her week at TWD. This is basically a layered cookie bar and it makes a 9x13 pan full, so you may want to half this recipe or wrap up and freeze what you can't eat now, to have for another time. That's what I did.

I went ahead and cut some when they cooled off, and chilled the rest. Dorie likes her cold so I had to see what they were both like. Cutting them chilled makes it a lot easier, you can slice them pretty thin (mine were 3/4" thick), and I have to admit even though I liked them at room temp. and chilled, I liked them cold best.

These little guys are rich though with the chocolate, cookie layer, peanuts and the raisins. A little piece is all you'll need.

If you would like to try this recipe click over to Lillian's blog, she'll have the recipe posted for ya.



  1. They look great with the peanuts in! I agree that they're rich and you only need a small piece, but that hasn't stopped me from going back for another, and another...

  2. I never chilled mine and now I wish I would have to see how they were different. Yours look great!

  3. Mmmmm...I am now lamenting my laptop's lack of a drool cover!

  4. Glad you liked them :) I thought they were pretty good too ;)

  5. Great looking bars. I loved them too and thought they were much better then candy bars!!

  6. Gah, those are delicious-looking. One of our favorite local restaurants makes a Snickers cake that looks almost like that... we order it every time we're there.

    Sweetfern Handmade

  7. I love, love, love your recipes. You should try I and my sister's recipe site. We are having so much fun with it and it really seems like the stuff you would be interested in. I would just be flattered to death to have you as a follower. http://oddiblesublime.blogspot.com/
    I hope to see you there and enjoy some more yummy ideas. Enjoy.

  8. This looks so yummy! I love chilled desserts! I can't wait to try this myself! Thanks for the post!
