Friday, March 19, 2010

Cheesy Rice: Cheddease Powder Mix

Jenny at Jenny Mac's Lip Smack blogged about this cheese powder mix and I was a lucky one to win a bag of it! I did a search for recipes using the cheese powder and only found just a few. Not really sure what I was going to make with it, I decided one night to add some with a little milk to my rice! Mmm, it was good! Reminded me of this stuff.

Cheesy Rice
2 Tbl canola oil
1 Tbl crushed garlic
1/2 onion diced
1 C long grain white rice
2 C chicken broth
salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbl butter
3 Tbl white cheddease powder
1/4 cup or so of milk
Parsely for garnish

Heat 2 TBL oil in a skillet. Saute onion until translucent, add garlic and rice until a little browned. Add chicken broth and seasonings and butter and bring to a boil, cover, then simmer for 20 minutes. Fluff with a fork, add cheedease and milk, stir. Let cook for a minute then add parsley.

Below is some more info I found about this cheese powder. I've gotta try that popcorn recipe, we're big popcorn snackers here.

Cheddease Cheese Powder
cheese sauce:
Blend 1/4c. cheese powder and 2 T. cornstarch in saucepan. Stir in ½ c. milk and 1 T. butter.
Place on medium heat, stirring with whip until thick and heated through.
Use also as a Soup Base, in Casseroles, Potato dishes, and Macaroni and Cheese.

On Popcorn
3 T. butter, melted
¼ C. (or more) Cheddease
cheese powder
¼ t. mustard powder
¼ t. cayenne powder
4 C. popped popcorn

In a large bowl. combine the butter, cheddar cheese powder, mustard
powder, cayenne pepper, and the popcorn. Season with salt and pepper, to
taste, and toss to combine. Serve immediately.



  1. YUMMMMM! Looks I have a new recipe to try try with the cheese powder....I will try it with the ORANGE cheese mix I have...Fun Rachelle, thanks for the shout out!

  2. Just found your blog and loving it! Thanks.
