Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Betty Crocker's Win and Give XO Laptop Giveaway

Did you know that 83 percent of kids believe that they can help children in other countries in addition to people in their own communities? That’s according to the "Kids' Altruism Indicator" conducted in partnership with Parenting magazine. Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks wants to make it easy for kids to give back locally and globally. This will be made possible through them and the Win & Give program!

Now through May kids in the U.S. have an opportunity to instantly win a laptop from specially-marked packages of Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks. For each laptop won, Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks will donate this very same laptop to a child in Africa. Isn't that great? Click here for more info and a coupon savings!

To find out how the laptops positively impact the lives of the children and to learn ways you can talk to your kids about giving back, visit

The XO laptop was designed especially for children. It has 1 GB of memory and 4 GB of Flash storage, a rugged plastic exterior, built-in wireless, a unique dual mode display that is readable under direct sunlight and software designed for children to encourage exploration, creativity, and collaboration. The retail value of this laptop is $199.
For more information on the laptop, here are some specs.

ONE "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" fan will win an XO Laptop and a variety pack of Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks!  


Become a MIH Blog Follower with Google Friend Connect (see side bar) and let me know in a paragraph/story form, how you and your family give back to your community and/or to others around the world.

This giveaway will run longer than others, allowing you time to write your response/entry, so no need to rush it. There will not be any extra entries to this giveaway, since this will be based on the most sincere and heart warming response. So think this out, write it up (or you may also post me a video if you really want to get creative!), and I will be choosing a winner that next Sat.

This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Friday April 29, 2011.
Please read the fine print:
- Open to USA
- Please leave your email- Winner(s) will be notified by email (check junk files!) & announced on my Blog, Twitter & FB soon after
- I will choose my winner(s) based on the most compelling story!

- Winner(s) will have 72 hours to claim their prize before a new winner is chosen
- Important! Please read about my giveaway rules


Be sure to check out my other giveaways too!

I wrote this giveaway for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Betty Crocker & XO Laptop. Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co. Giveaway provided by Betty Crocker & XO Laptop.


  1. I follow you in GFC.

    From the time I was a little girl, my mother has always taught me to be charitable and help others who are less fortunate. My mother grew up very poor in South America. So when I was a child, we would volunteer at our church’s soup kitchen, lend our time to an organization that helps people with Down’s Syndrome (we had an annual festival and my mother would help the people off the buses and I would help out with the carnival games), and at one time we even volunteered our weekends at the local courthouse to be present during supervised visits between divorced fathers and their kids. My mother would be the court supervisor (unpaid) and I would try to play with the kids to make light of a difficult situation. We also visited strangers in nursing homes and drove cancer patients we didn’t know to chemotherapy.

    My mother has always volunteered her time, and recently she was volunteering at a hospital until her back problems prevented her from doing so. I would like to win this laptop for her. Her computer is very old and she really needs a brand new laptop. She would really appreciate the meaning behind this, too.

    Thanks so much for the chance!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  2. I'm.a follower and we try to help out by helping the local elderly neighbors with their shopping/chores as well as recycling and picking up trash along the local streets! These small.things really add up and make a huge difference in the lives of those around us.

  3. My family, more specifically myself, gives back through the job I do. I teach first graders in a rural setting. I don't get paid much, and there isn't a lot of parental support, primarily due to their low income. My students are so into technology, but there isn't much available due to funding. I would love to win this and be able to use this in my classroom. My students would go nuts for it!


  4. Hi - I'm a follower on Google Friend Connect.

    My family and I give back in an unusual way. Health and taking care of the environment are very important to me but I want to share that "spark" with people without being pushy or preachy.

    So here's what we do... We plant a garden every year. For 3 years it was the only one in the neighborhood and most of the adults and kids are amazed at what goes on. We let any kids that show up, plant/weed/harvest/compost at all times.

    We encourage our neighbors to add to our compost pile with their food scraps and freely take from our garden.

    We have organic berries, tomatoes, lettuces, herbs, and a variety of different veggies. We share freely of everything we plant.

    We also do all the pruning and plant repair for our neighbors (free of course). That way they can have nice yards without having to use chemicals or pay for help.

    When our berry plants multiply (which happens with raspberries and strawberries every year), I put my berry plants on craigslist and give away the new baby plants for free.

    I've also given them away to neighbors. In the 4 years since we've moved here, 12 neighbors have started their own gardens. I've helped them plant them. Most people have copied what we have...berries and tomatoes (lol) and have even started composting!

    I also give away the seeds that I collect from our herbs, greens, and mixture of flowers.

    I was surprised by how little gardening actually happened in our suburban neighborhood. In fact, when we first put up our garden, the neighbors complained and tried to have it taken down.

    Now everyone raves about our big juicy tomatoes and fresh berries and can't wait to see (and be part of) what's growing every year.

    In fact, I just received permission from one of our neighbors that has a 1/3 of an acre of unused land right near my home to expand our garden and branch out in our efforts.

    With that extra land, we should be able to donate a large volume of food to a local food shelf (CROSS food shelf.) In fact, I've already contacted them about how to donate fresh produce.

    We have, in a sense, created a community garden: a place for teaching, eating, and enjoying.

    It's fantastic to see families out working in the garden instead of sitting inside.

    It has only cost us time, a little money, and initial ridicule. But it has been well worth it and has made our neighborhood healthier and more connected.

    I'd love to win a laptop for my children. They are old enough to use a computer now and I allow them to play games on PBSkids on mine, but it crashes every 10-15 minutes and can be really frustrating.

    Thanks so much for the Chance to win

    Angela Maas

  5. First I wanted to say that I am a GFC follower, and Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

    As a mother of 5 children, we struggle alot just making it ourselves, I have a daughter with Cerebral Palsy, a son with Asbergers disease and 2 daughters with ADHD, learning disabilities and severe speech problems. Needless to say that I stay very busy with the kids and doctors appointments, therapists etc.
    However I do my best to teach the kids to always share what they are blessed with, whether it be candy, stickers, toys etc. In teaching them to do so, every few months we go through all the toys, all the clothes and what they don't play with anymore or cannot wear anymore (providing they are in good condition) We will donate to charity, I will post ads online at freecycle sites, or craigslist and offer them to someone who is in need of them. Or if I see someone asking for a specific Item that we may have just lying around. I will try to help.
    I may not have the time or have the kids that could physically/mentally volunteer time for the community. But we try to do it in our own way. The way that we know we can help.
    It makes us feel good to do so. And the kids like the fact that other people can use what they cannot.
    I know my kids would love to win a laptop for their own use. And it will give us something to use on my daughter with Cerebral Palsy, she is working on one handed typing right now with her occupational therapist. This would just be great.

    Thank You

  6. GFC follower
    I have taught the kids since they were young enough to understand, what giving back means.
    It should be done without looking for a reward or praise. It should not be looked at as doing something for someone, but assisting them in making their life better and fulfilling.
    We stressed that giving back, means helping others and giving of themselves. It is an act of responsibly and not generosity. We have so many things that we do as a family.

    We have an organization here in our town called "Operation Mom's Cookies" It is an organization that helps Military Men and Women know that we care, with care packages. Our oldest guy Ty got us involved in collecting donations such as wet one wipes, deodorant, batteries, phone cards, snacks, powdered drink packs, chapstick, shampoo and more for a few friends of his who's dad's were overseas serving! Along with the extra donations we collected we set up a date over Operation Moms Cookies and volunteer to help package the items and write short messages on cards to place in each package that gets shipped overseas. We look forward to this each Christmas holiday.

    We also help out every 3rd Sat of each month for our Share Food Ministry, which helps feed 100 families in our community. We arrive at 7:00 am to help unload the semi truck, sort the boxes of food for the families to arrive at 9:00 am. During the Holidays our big guy Ty organizes a toy drive for the same families. It makes a big impact on the kids, they are developing people skills, making new friends, and they are learning that we are making a difference, by stepping up and doing something to help others.
    Our guy Ty wanted to do a service project at the church, he felt it was a good project for them, because they always gave back to the community, and he wanted to give back to them. He made this into his BSA Eagle Project, he was able raise funds to purchase a variety of 32 trees, including a few fruit trees. He got a nice group together and they planted them all in one day. The church is very happy with the project.
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  7. I have both teenagers and toddlers so we have to use some creativity to get all our kids involved. My teenage daughters and truly amazing and really love giving back to their community. They have both helped us serve meals to the homeless through our local rescue mission and we all cooked and made a Thanksgiving meal for a teenage detention center and had devotions with them last Thanksgiving. That really made an impact on my girls because there were kids their age that weren't able to spend time with their family on such an important holiday. My 2 teenage daughters also went with my husband on a mission trip to Nicaragua last summer. Seeing the poverty and how children have to live in substandard housing with basically nothing but still having smiles on their faces and also had a profound impact on my girls. They both want to continue helping others through mission trips.

    It's a little more challenging to find ways to get my toddler boys involved. They help me fill shoeboxes with items for children in other countries. These are distributed through Samaritan's Purse. My 4 yr old goes with my to shop for little items and then he helps me pack up the shoeboxes and he draws a little picture to include for the child. We explain where the shoeboxes and going and how they will help other children. I think he will definately follow in his sisters' footsteps!

    readysetwin at gmail dot com

  8. We sponsor a child monthly through Christian Children’s Fund, and it has been great teaching our daughter about helping others. The child we sponsor sends updates and pictures regularly:) It really helps our daughter to see how blessed she is! During Christmas, I let my daughter look through the Partner's International catalog, and pick out something she wants to buy for a family in India, Africa, etc...things like a pig, medicine, school supplies. It is always important in keeping perspective on giving during Christmas:)
