Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Progresso Panko and Broth Gift Pack Winner Is...

WOW! This has been my biggest giveaway turn out yet! 281 comments and I only get to pick one! I hope you all left your contact info, to make it easy on me! =) OK, here we go...

Congrats #232 barbara! Watch your email and respond asap! =)

Thanks everyone for coming to play! Stick around because I will be choosing more winners for my other giveaways still going on! Have you entered to win? Check my side bar for my list of current giveaways.

1 comment:

  1. I'm here! I'm here! I didn't get your email, but I'm going to see if I can DM you or if I can find an email address on your site so I can send you my address. Thank you so much for a great giveaway!!
