Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Cran-Apple Crisp

From Mommy I'm Hungry

This month for TWD and Thanksgiving, we get to choose which recipe to bake and post at our convenience. It just so happens that the two I am baking, follow the list, so I won't be posting out of order. Hopefully Dorie's pumpkin tart will be picked in December, I was a little sad it wasn't this month's pick.

Em of The Repressed Pastry Chef choose Cran-Apple Crisps for this week. Even though I recently made an apple crisp not long ago, I just HAD to try Dorie's! This is another easy peasy recipe to put together. I used fresh cranberries (and froze what I didn't use) and 5 Gala apples (those were a great sale price). I was skeptical to add the coconut to the crumb topping, until I realized you grind it up in the processor, so I went for it. I also snuck in a few shakes of cinnamon to the apples and cranberries.

From Mommy I'm Hungry

A couple of weekends ago, we took a long overdue trip to one of our local Swap Meets (like a huge garage sale and then some), and I scored big time with a (probably) new Pampered Chef stoneware deep-dish pie dish! For just $3!!! I was so excited to get to use it for this! I read online about how to care for it before using it because one time I found another PC stoneware lasagna pan from the Thrift store, that broke in the oven while I used it! My friend, a PC consultant said maybe there was an air bubble in it that caused it to exploded.

From Mommy I'm Hungry

Anyways, the crumb topping came along beautifully, and it baked for the time said. I got to sneak some for the photos before my light went away (I am not liking this time change!). Mmm, this is delicious! The cranberries were great in this, not tart like you'd think they'd be, the sweetness from the sugar, apples and topping brings all the flavors together nicely.

Do make this! Em will have the recipe posted so head over to her blog to print it out!

From Mommy I'm Hungry

Here is the list for this month if you'd like to follow along.

November 3- Katya of Second Dinner: Chocolate Caramel Chestnut Cake

*November 10- Em of The Repressed Pastry Chef: Cran-Apple Crisps

*November 17- Pamela of Cookies with Boys: Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies

November 24- Britin of The Nitty Britty: All in One Holiday Bundt Cake



  1. Lucky find! We were JUST talking about buying props at thrift stores on the Food Bloggers discussion list. I have so many little plates, cloth napkins, etc that I use for take my food pics, all purchased at the thrift store : )

    Your crisp looks marvelous! I am making that next week, made the cookies this week :)

  2. Rachelle, I'm so glad you added the coconut and liked it. And I love the picture of your crisp -- it looks like just the right sweet for the season.

  3. What a steal on that Pampered Chef dish! Your pics are so lovely, with the apples and the cranberries together. Very pretty.

  4. Your crisp looks wonderful! I miss the swap meets in SoCal (used to live there)--what a score for your pie dish!!

  5. Great looking crisp. I can not wait to make it! I made the bundt cake and really enjoyed it!

  6. I thought this was just perfect, too!

  7. Your crisp looks delicious! I can't wait to make this.

  8. Love the photo of the apples with the cranberries. Great find on the Pampered Chef pie dish. Beautiful!

  9. Love the dish. Love your picture of the cranberries and apples and the crisp--oh, I can't wait to make this!

  10. Great crisp. Love the apple/cranberry picture. So pretty.

  11. This looks amazing! What a great way to work the cranberries into my Thanksgiving dinner! :) I am going to share this on Pinterest. :)
    Angela Michels
