Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Catching up, Tuesdays with Dorie: Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies

First of all I have to just say...Just go make these! They are wonderful!! This is my catch up post for Nov. TWD.
Pamela of Cookies with Boys chose the Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies from Dorie's Baking from My Home to Yours book. They have molasses in them, so if you like ginger bread or here, soft ginger snap like cookies (which these remind me of) or even gingerbread men cookies, then you will love these! These cookies are SO soft and chewy and when rolled in sugar. they have a nice crunch. This only makes 24 cookies, and good sized ones too so I only put 6 on a tray because they will spread 3-4" big!

I only added a tiny bit of freshly ground pepper, it wasn't even enough to notice, so no one even knew! I rolled the cookie dough balls in turbinado (raw) sugar (I went and got some from bulk -Henry's Marketplace-, so it didn't cost very much at all, a big scoop will be enough to roll these and have some for muffin tops too).

My little guy, kept sneaking the cookies off the cooling racks, and as you know it only make 24 cookies, so I had to hide them if we all wanted some! haha. I even caught him grabbing apart one waiting on the tray to be baked! Glad his little taste buds enjoyed these!

These are such a great cookie, please head over to Pamela's blog for the recipe! These would be great for your Christmas cookie trays!


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