Monday, December 28, 2009

-CLOSED- Giveaway: Nestle Goodies and a Holiday Memories Photo Contest

How were your Holidays this year? Nestle would like to see it captured! Perhaps your photo could be the big winner! But first they would like to share their products with us.
Myself and one lucky reader of "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" will get free coupons from Toll House cookie dough, Carnation Evaporated Milk and Breakfast Essentials, Stouffer’s, Juicy Juice and Boost Kid Essentials, as well as products from Wonka and Rasinets. We’ll also be including a 4x6 silver photo frame and the Carnation holiday recipe guide. The prize value is around $40.

Additionally, there is a larger giveaway going on at It’s their Holiday Memories Photo Contest you can enter to win a $500 gift card as well as other prizes. There are five grand prize winners who will receive a $500 gift card and then 45 $50 gift cards for all 45 finalists.

January 4, 2010 is the last day to enter the Nestlé Family Holiday Memories Photo Contest. Be sure to share those wonderful memories you've captured on camera before it's too late. Click here to enter the Nestlé Family Holiday Memories Photo Contest.

ONE "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" reader will win free coupons from Nestle Toll House cookie dough, Carnation Evaporated Milk and Breakfast Essentials, Stouffer’s, Juicy Juice and Boost Kid Essentials, as well as products from Wonka and Rasinets. They'll also be including a 4x6 silver photo frame and the Carnation holiday recipe guide. The prize value is around $40.

(This is a must before any extra entries will be accepted!)
All you have to do is tell me your best memory of your 2009 Holiday!

Earn up to 5 extra entries by showing some "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" bloggie with these rules!
-Please post yourself a separate comment for each, letting me know which ones you do.

2. Follow me on Twitter here (I'll follow ya back if you tweet #3!)

3. Tweet about this giveaway once, using my new retweet button at top of post & post your link here

4. (earn 2 bonus entries!) Blog about this giveaway on your blog & post your link here

5. Mention this giveaway link on your Facebook & post your link here

Remember, please don't forget to leave me contact info!*

This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Monday, January 4, 2010.
Please read the fine print:
-Open to USA

-If it's not already in your profile* please leave your email!
-I will verify links/names & delete if false to be fair
-Winner(s) will be notified by email & announced on my Blog & Twitter the following day
-I will choose my winner(s) using

As always, be sure to follow along so you don't miss new things!

I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Nestle products and their Memories Photo Contest. Nestle provided us with the free product, information, and giveaway. I received product to review and keep as compensation for my honest opinion of the product. All opinions for this review are that of myself & family.


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96 Lovely Comments:

Katrina said...

We'll call this holiday The Christmas Blizzard of '09! Stuck at home for a good 4-5 days. Couldn't have happened at a better time, for spending the holiday with family! We've played a lot of games together and even enjoyed some time in the snow!

Suburban prep said...

The best part of this holiday season so far is that my brother, SIL and 3 yr old niece and 1 yr old nephew who live in China came back home for the holidays. I had yet to meet the 1 yr old. It was wonderful seeing their smiles and their eyes light up when around Santa. Then the day after Christmas I was the godmother of the 1 yr old at his baptism.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Mommy Kennedy said...

My best memory of my 2009 holidays was spending time with my family and hosting my first Christmas, even though I messed up the ham and it needed to be "salvaged" per my MIL!

Mommy Kennedy said...

Added to my "Giveaways Galore" page


Mommy Kennedy said...

Added to my FB fan page "The Frugal Kennedys"

Aimee said...

Christmas morning watching my kids open presents. My daughter is four & still believes in anta & was awfully excited. And my son wanted an XBox 360 & thought there was NO WAY he was getting one, and yet, he did. Tricky, tricky parents! Thanks for the greatgiveaway!

Georgia Mist said...

My favourite memory of 2009 Chrsitmas was Christmas Dinner at the Hyatt on River Street in Savannah. We had a buffet on the 3rd floor overlooking the Savannah River. We were all together and had a blast... a Pianist was playing carols, we were all dressed up... My DH (darling hubby) was Kilted. Lovely!

Georgia Mist said...

I follow @MommyImHungry on Twitter @GeorgiaMist

Georgia Mist said...


Ethans Mama said...

My favorite part of this Holiday season was watching my son open all of his presents. This year he was actually old enough to appreciate them all! And I got a lot of good deals on my presents this year which allowed me to get a lot of personal, meaningful gifts which my family loved.

camille said...

My favourite was either having a request for my carrots with shallots and sage for Christmas dinner, or - and this is an odd one, I know - going out to a movie the day after Christmas with my husband and a friend, and ALL 3 OF US fell asleep. Between us, we probably saw the whole movie, but none of us were awake the whole way through. Most expensive nap I've ever taken!

camille at

Susan said...

My best memory of 2009 was hanging out at my son's house, with his wife, my daughter and her husband, all of us in our jammies, baking cookies and watching "Christmas Story".

Carol said...

Thus far my favorite memory would be changing a two year olds diarrhea diaper as he stands and screams in an airplane bathroom. Hard to top.

darlanpaulsmamma said...

the best memory of my holiday 2009 is the looks on my kids faces waking up Christmas morning
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said...

melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

janetfaye said...

The best memory of this holiday was watching my toddler grandchildren open their presents.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

The best memory of my 2009 Holiday was Christmas dinner :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

lmurley2000 said...

my best memorie is i have been in the hospital and thought i would be in there all christmas but luck would have it they let me out on christmas day so i could spend christmas with my sons.

lmurley2000 said...


slk said...

My best memory of 2009 holidays seeing my kids face light up when they saw their presents.

NikiTheo said...

My favorite was when I opened my bf's present. It was a gorgeous necklace w/ hearts in our birthstones. I was so shocked, I loved it!

NikiTheo said...

I posted it on my page on FB!

NikiTheo said...

I blogged it

Tamara B. said...

The best memory of the 2009 Holiday is watching the children on Christmas morning opening their gifts and for the first year I didn't hear he got more than me :)

Anonymous said...

I had a bad year in '09 but I got to work on Christmas Day. I earned extra pay for the holiday and had an easy day at work, so I was really grateful for it!


Haydensmommy05 said...

My favorite was just spending time with family it is such a rare thing now that we are all growing up and its nice to sit down and remember back when we were kids what we would do!

Haydensmommy05 said...

I tweeted!

jerricaparr said...

Best Memory:
Getting engaged to Joshua.


jerricaparr said...

I follow you via twitter.


jerricaparr said...



jerricaparr said...

entry #2.


jerricaparr said...

posted on facebook.


Sarah G said...

This was the first year that my toddler got excited about Christmas. She loved opening presents, decorating the tree, doing a gingerbread house - and, my favorite memory was of her dancing with joy at the sight of the lit Christmas tree. :)


Sarah G said...

I'm following you on Twitter - username is hawaiismn.


Sarah G said...



Frances said...

What a great giveaway!

My best memory this Christmas was getting to finally "meet" my 8 month old grandson. Our daughter just moved back from California and I had not gotten to see baby Wyatt yet. I also got to have my 3 adult children and 3 grandsons all together. It was amazing!

fperkins2000 @

Amanda said...

My favorite part of our Christmas holiday was opening presents on Christmas Eve at my husband's grandparents' home. There were kids and presents everywhere. It reminded me of being a kid and having to wait what seemed like forever to open presents.

Amanda said...

I tweeted.

Patty said...

All my grandkids were together and I had so much fun watching them play together.

Anonymous said...

There are two favorite things for the holidays which occurred this Christmas. First this was the first Christmas for my grandson and it was a joy to watch him rip open the presents and play with the paper rather than his toys. Secondly my sister has cancer and this may be the last Christmas we will be together, so I cherish the memories of having her be part of our family.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I follow your on Twitter (@pine1211)

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I tweeted about the giveaway:

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I posted on Facebook:

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

My best memory was getting a hand written, tear jerking letter from my husband in my stocking. He is NOT a "Romeo" man - he's quite the opposite. The letter was so sweet, I cried. I'll keep it forever. Goes to prove, every man has it in him to be mushy. Thanks for the chance!
Kelly -

Leslie said...

Spending time with my family and watching the excitement when my 5 kids woke up and saw all the presents and goodies underneath the tree.

*Mirage* said...

My favorite memory from Christmas '09 is the whole family around the table talking and laughing and eating. Seeing my mom and Nana enjoying themselves and laughing at the toddlers' antics. My Nana is 83. My mom has been fighting breast cancer for over 8 years. They don't live close so I'm so glad we all were together this Christmas. You never know if it will be the last, you know?
mamamirage at yahoo dot com

rubynreba said...

Reading the Christmas Story from the Bible.

Stephanie Grant said...

My best memory of my 2009 Holiday was my sons face on Christmas morning when he got up and seen all his gifts from Santa under the tree he is just now old enought to enjoy it.

Stephanie Grant said...

I blogged #1:

Stephanie Grant said...

I blogged #2:

Steph said...

My best memory was watching my kids' faces light up when they saw all that Santa had brought for them!


Steph said...



Missybeez said...

My favorite memory was going snowboarding and snow tubing with my family.

Teaching Mommy said...

My favorite memory this year is my little boy learning what presents were. He just turned 2, and was still a bit confused as he thought presents meant toys. If he got clothes, he threw them on the floor and looked for the toys!

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Jennai said...

My best memory of this holiday is that is was my Baby's First Christmas! So that's pretty special!

Jennai said...

I blogged about this contest
HobartsMama at AOL.COM

Jennai said...

Second entry for blogging
HobartsMama at AOL.COM

phxbne said...

My 10 year old niece not believing in Santa but still wanting Santa gifts

phxbne said...

michelejdaley at gmail dot com

Kathy Rambousek said...

My best memory from holidays 2009 was our annual Christmas light scavenger hunt. I was rolling with laughter as my two sons and I competed for "top prize". I won :)

LKARambo at comcast dot net

Kathy Rambousek said...


LKARambo at comcast dot net

slk said...

1/5 tweet:

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