Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Recap: Almond Biscotti

Another part of the teacher gift I made were these TWD Almond biscotti by Dorie Greenspan. I haven't made them since, but I sure remembered how much we all loved them here.

My original idea was to make them with some dark chocolate pieces and dried cherries and almonds. Well I sort of goofed on the bake time, they went over 15 minutes and the cherries became over baked(you know that kinda burnt chewiness, ick!) so I tossed those.

I decided not to mess with a good thing and made them as is again. They came out perfecto! This time I baked them one on each tray (unlike before, where I put 2 on a tray), and I piled the dough taller, and they didn't seem to flatten out as much this time either. Yay!

When they were done and cooled, I dipped them in semi and milk chocolate and set them to cool in the fridge for a bit. Then they were ready for the cute cookie box I found.
Even though these are twice baked, they are still a little soft, which I really like. I used all vanilla extract and left the almond extract out (not a fan). Be sure to check out the recipe here, I'm sure you'll love them too!



  1. Just saying "Merry Christmas", and may your New Year be bright and cheerful. Thanks for all the hard work you've done to make our kitchens smell so good when following your recipes.

  2. Rachelle, That looks DELISH! YUM! What could be better than chocolate dipped biscotti!? Your such a great baker, cook!!! I wish I lived next door to you! My Butt would be HUGE errrrrr than it is hahah well I mean, it's not small! hahha
    Merry Christmas Friend! Your pictures Rock too!
