Saturday, December 26, 2009

Review: Aunt Nellie’s Beets

Aunt Nellie’s premium jarred beets. You probably know someone who has a dislike of this root vegetable, but beets have flourished in popularity. I have always like them even when they were served to us out of the can, warmed up and put on our dinner plates. The juice running into the other foods and staining them. I don't eat them regularly now (infact I've never even served them to my family), but I do like them from the salad bar, with my salad.

Now that the growing season is coming to an end, beets are still available, and convenient. Aunt Nellie’s packs their beets at the peak of the season to ensure freshness.

We were sent a 16.00 oz. jar Sliced Pickled Beets and a 16.00 oz. jar Whole Pickled Beets. We first tried the whole beets, were were tiny bite size and perfect for popping into your mouth. Well it seems just my little girl and I are the ones who like them. So that meant more for us! They tasted great, they weren't too strong of a pickling flavor, and you can still taste the beet's wonderful flavor.
For Christmas, I just laid the sliced beets out next to some olives (drained and wiped with paper towels) to have as a sort of relish tray. Again not many of our dinner guests ate them, but me and my little one did!

So now that I know that at least one other perfon of my family likes beets, I'll be sure to get these more often! I have seen these at our local grocery store in the canned veggie section, so be sure to check there if you are a beet fan!

I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Aunt Nellie’s Beets. I received product to review and keep as compensation for my honest opinion of the product. All opinions for this review are that of myself & family.


  1. I ADORE Beets Rachelle!! GREAT Review! These look out of this world I have never ever seen Aunt Nellie's Beets, but I will sure look for 'em now! I am craving them now!

    Leslie Loves Veggies
    YUP, I'm a DOT Net!!! :)

  2. are aunt nellies beets gluten free?

  3. Yes! All Aunt Nellie's beets are gluten free! =)
