Tuesday, May 1, 2012

San Diego Food Blogger's Bake Sale Update

my table set up

I could spend a lot of money in this store.

Saturday was the San Diego Food Blogger's Bake Sale in Pacific Beach at the Great News patio out front. The sale started at 10 am, the sun was out, the skies were blue and what a perfect day. Close to 40 of us local bloggers (whom I have never met) huddled together to find a place to display our baked goods.  Li'l Ms. Sueshine and I shared a table, she had the most adorable lemon cakes in a jar and pie pops. The crowds were a steady flow the entire time, including a large group of Saturday schoolers. I noticed as I took breaks to window shop and grab some lunch that when I returned, goodies were gone, samples were wiped out. Wow. Step away and they flock to grab some sweets. The sale went very well and I had a lot of fun sharing my treats and blog info with others. San Diego came in 4th place for the Share Our Strength bake sale fundraiser in the USA with sales reaching $3034!!! Amazing!! I can't wait to participate again next year.

Cupcakes packaged and ready to sell

The goodies I baked from scratch were: gluten free carrot cake cupcakes, peanut butter and chocolate bars, gluten free crumb cake cupcakes and cookie dough brownies. My biggest seller were the peanut butter and chocolate bars.

I offered free samples of my gluten free cupcakes, to show people how good they really are and not to be afraid because they are gluten free. I must say crumb cake rocked the house of those sales.

I took some time to go peek around at the other goodies and choose some to bring home for my family so they can try them for me. I did have a few cotton candy meringues that night, since those are naturally gluten free. =)

Goodies were:
Chocolate Hazelnut Banana Pie Pops from Li'l Ms. Sueshine
Giant S'mores Rice Krispy Treats from Cairns Manor
Chewy Cookies 'N Cream Cookies from Kirbie's Cravings
Assorted Cotton Candy Meringues from Full Circle Foodie
Pink Macarons (not sure of the flavor) from Jenny Wenny Cakes
Raspberry Almond Champagne Cupcake from Flavor Integrations
Macarons: Rose with Rose Water Buttercream & Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Buttercream from Live...Bake...Love
Maple Bacon Cookies from At The Patisserie

I cut everything up so they could taste some of everything. The loved it all. I did sneak some of the cupcake's champagne buttercream frosting and that was really good. My oldest liked the cookies and cream cookies and the maple bacon cookies especially.

that's me back there with my arms folded, it was cold in the shade.
Thanks Live... Bake... Love for the photo source.

See more of our photos from the bake sale on our Flickr group.


  1. You're welcome for the photo! Wish I had a chance to try your GF cupcakes!

  2. I will definitely be making your peanut butter cup bars for my husband! He tries to cut back on the sugar to support me but he said he has to make an exception for these :)
