As a mom, you already do so much to protect your family- buckling seatbelts, cooking healthy meals and requiring bike helmets. But did you know that the laundry detergent you may be using could contain little-known chemicals called optical brighteners?
When ultraviolet light hits optical brighteners coating your clothing, the brighteners convert UV rays into visible light to create an optical illusion. This tricks the eye into thinking the clothing is whiter and brighter, and therefore cleaner than it really is. So how can you avoid these optical brighteners? Seventh Generation makes it easy because their laundry detergents are not only free of optical brighteners, but they´re also non-toxic . In addition, because Seventh Generation liquid laundry detergents are both hypo-allergenic and biodegradable, you can rest easy knowing you made a considerate choice for your family and the environment.
When washed in a conventional laundry detergent that contains optical brighteners, clothes appear to glow under a black light. When you use Seventh Generation liquid laundry products, you won´t see the same glow on your clothing.
Well I also took part and conducted my own experiment to see the difference between my current laundry detergent and Seventh Generation laundry detergent. I labeled the Tshirts with a letter A (the kind of soap I use) and the number 7 for theirs. I washed 2 loads separately with each soap, softener and fabric sheets. Then once they were both dry, I hung them in our bathroom with the door closed, labeled them, and turned on the black light. I honestly could not tell any difference between the two. What do you think? Even though I can't tell any difference, I do like their laundry products so far.
Also you can click here to save $1 on the purchase of any Seventh Generation Laundry Product.
For more information about Seventh Generation laundry products, please visit, or sign up for their newsletter at
Be sure to visit Seventh Generation on Facebook and on Twitter to "Like" and "Follow", so that you can keep up with the latest news from Seventh Generation.
One "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" reader will win a Seventh Generation Optical Brightener Discovery kit also!

1. All you have to do is share How you have or plan to adjust your laundry practices to protect your family and the environment.
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-Please post yourself 1 separate comment for each, letting me know which ones you do. Thanks!
-Please post yourself 1 separate comment for each, letting me know which ones you do. Thanks!
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This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Tuesday, November 23, 2010.
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- Important! Please read about my giveaway rules HERE*
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7. Follow along with my recipe blog if you're hungry!
This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Tuesday, November 23, 2010.
Please read the fine print:
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- Winner(s) will be notified by email and announced on my Blog, Twitter and FB soon after
- I will choose my winner(s) using
- Winner(s) will have 72 hours to claim their prize before a new winner is chosen
- Important! Please read about my giveaway rules HERE*
Be sure to check out my other giveaways too!
I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Seventh Generation. I received free product to keep for this review from Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark. All opinions for this review are that of myself & family. Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co.
*Please follow my recipe blog at it's new URL
54 Lovely Comments:
I try to conserve water by not using hot water and smaller loads
msboatgal at
I like you on fb cheryl s
msboatgal at
follow no gfc
msboatgal at
I try not to use anything extra, like dryer sheets or fabric softener, also I try to always line dry clothes where possible (and in the sun if possible!)
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
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Marysa N – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
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Marysa N – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
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Marysa N - Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
I hang my laundry outside and wash in cold water as much as i can :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
follow you on FB :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
Follow your recipe blog :)
marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
I have started using chemical free and green products in our home
velvethubler at yahoo dot com
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velvethubler at yahoo dot com
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Velvet H
I try to wash clothes in cold water, use natural laundry detergents, and hang dry as often as possible! ~Jaime
jaime_890 at hotmail dot com
I follow on twitter as @perk0130!
jaime_890 at hotmail dot com
I subscribe via google friend connect!
jaime_890 at hotmail dot com
I use eco-friendly detergents and the cold water setting when possible. I also plan to get a more energy and water efficient washer. aitmama {{at}} gmail {{tod}} com
twitter aitmama
Follow along with your Facebook Fan Page - dina n.
Found you via a comment you left on my blog.
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We wash in cold water and larger loads jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com
My family tries to use detergents that are concentrated so we use less per load. Washing loads in cold water and line drying when weather permits. We always recycle the empty detergent bottles and boxes.
I follow you on Twitter (@jkgorcery) jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com
I tweeted:!/jkgorcery/status/3240588287680512 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com
i only use all natural detergent or a least try to
i follow u on twitter as Amber01sw
shared on twitter as Amber01sw!/amber01sw/status/3253093743460354
i follow on FB as Amber Lusk MacDonald
i follow on GFC as amber01sw
i follow ur other blog on gfc as amber01sw
I have tried by using laundry balls that help the close dry in less time.
jakellcth@msn .com
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jakellcth@msn. com
I will start using biodegradable laundry products!
stroker881 at hotmail dot com
Follow via GFC!
stroker881 at hotmail dot com
I lowered the temperature on my hot water heater. I also unplugged my dryer and I line dry my clothing.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on Twitter - Janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your recipe blog on GFC - janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I use phosphate free detergents and wash almost everything in cold water.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I Follow you on Twitter @winsome6
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog via Goolge Reader as nihgtowl.
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Kimberly B.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I follow your recipe blog via Google Reader as nightowl.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I try to only wash full loads of laundry and hang dry what doesn't absolutely need to be dryer washed.
laneefoster at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter (neenay)
laneefoster at gmail dot com
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laneefoster at gmail dot com
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laneefoster at gmail dot com
I follow your recipe blog as well, also via GFC
laneefoster at gmail dot com
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