Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Funky Monkey Snacks Giveaway and Review

Each year Americans' spend nearly two million dollars on Halloween candy. Nutrition experts recommend moderation and healthy alternatives to maintain healthy habits through the holiday.
Funky Monkey Snacks, a healthy and tasty replacement, will not only leave children eating healthier, but it will make parents feel as though their children are not stuffing themselves with chocolate.

We were sent a variety pack to review (once again), as always my kids ate them up. I like the pink pineapple and mangOj ones. Did you know the USDA defines 1/4 cup of freeze-dried fruit as 1 serving of fruit, so go ahead, eat the whole bag. =) Each ounce of Funky Monkey contains three servings of fruit.

• Applemon® (Freeze-Dried Apple and Organic Cinnamon)
• Carnaval Mix™ (Freeze-Dried Organic Banana, Pineapple, Apple and Papaya)
• JiveALime® (Freeze-Dried Pineapple and Lime Juice)
• MangOJ® (Freeze-Dried Mango and Orange Juice)
• Pink Pineapple® (Freeze-Dried Pineapple and Guava)
Click here for a store near you. Follow Funky Monkey on Facebook and Twitter.


TWO "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" fans will win Funky Monkey Snacks.

(This is a must before any extra entries will be accepted!)
* Become a MIH Blog Follower with Google Friend Connect (see side bar) and let me know which flavors you might like.

Earn extra entries by showing some "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" bloggie .
- Please leave 1 separate comment for each entry.
* Subscribe to MIH in RSS/email feed
* Follow me on Twitter @MommyImHungry, leave your twitter name (tweet HI and I'll follow back)
* Tweet once daily about this giveaway using my Tweet buttons or use:
I've entered to win 1 of 2 Funky Monkey Snacks Giveaway http://tinyurl.com/6khkvoy @MommyImHungry 
(comment here w/your daily link)
* Become a MIH Facebook Fan, and say a Hello on my fan page
* Follow along with my MIH recipe blog if you're hungry

This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm PT, Tuesday, October 25, 2011.
- Open to USA
- Please read my giveaway rules HERE
Be sure to check out my other giveaways too.

*Disclosure* I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Funky Monkey. The product(s) in this review were provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting my review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co.

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55 Lovely Comments:

TrulyBlessed said... 1

I am now a MIH blog follower! I would like to try the Carnaval Mix!

Lynda T aka: Mommy Powers!

TrulyBlessed said... 2

I tweeted!

TrulyBlessed said... 3

I am following you on Twitter, I am @mommypowers!

Lynda T

TrulyBlessed said... 5

I now follow the MIH Recipe Blog, I am following as "Mommy Powers!"

Lynda T

Domestic Diva said... 6

I follow on gfc

I'd like to try bananamon.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Desiree said... 7

I am a MIH Blog Follower with Google Friend Connect and Jive a lime sounds really good

Anonymous said... 11

I follow on GFC as Crissy and I know I would like the Pink Pineapple, anything pineapple is always good

Anonymous said... 14


Unknown said... 16

I'm a GFC follower and I want to try the carnival mix one.

mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Unknown said... 18

Follow me on Twitter @MommyImHungry - DONE! @mama2kaylabug

mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Unknown said... 19

Become a MIH Facebook Fan - DONE! Nicole Bates Edwards

mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Unknown said... 20


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Desiree said... 21

tweet 10/12

Unknown said... 22


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Desiree said... 23

tweet 10/13

Anonymous said... 24


shana said... 31

I am redoing the mandatory entry because I forgot to put in my e-mail address!

GFC follower
I like the sound of the Jivalime.

nineteen19 at blackfoot dot net

Anonymous said... 33


Desiree said... 34

tweet 10/14

Unknown said... 35


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Desiree said... 36

tweet 10/15

Anonymous said... 37


Anonymous said... 38


Unknown said... 39


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Unknown said... 40


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Desiree said... 41

tweet 10/19

Unknown said... 42


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 43


Unknown said... 45


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 47


Unknown said... 48


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 49


Unknown said... 50


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 51

Google Friends Connect - following you publicly as (Louis)

I would love to try the Pink Pineapple®

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said... 53


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 54


Unknown said... 55


mama2kaylabug at aol dot com

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