Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Duracell Quantum Batteries: Giveaway and Review

Duracell Quantum - the world's most advanced alkaline battery. No other battery lasts longer! This past summer, Duracell made a donation of 1 million of these powerful new batteries to first responders across the country because they need it to most to protect our families and communities.

To celebrate amazing work of first responder Duracell also developed a documentary-style series called Quantum Heroes - which is hosted by country music star Tim McGraw. The series shares previously untold stories of bravery, heroism and sacrifice of first responders.

Duracell Quantum, with its Hi-Density Core™ that stores more power than ever
 before, is the single solution for all household needs from remote controls to kid's toys.

Duracell Quantum features PowerCheck on the battery cell so you will always know how much power is left in the battery - so nothing is wasted!

I love this feature because my kiddos are always taking the batteries out of things and we find them laying around not sure if they're good or not. Now we'll know.

They are offering you the opportunity to experience the power of Quantum batteries first hand through a Duracell Quantum Giveaway on my blog.
Simply view the Quantum Heroes Baby Rescue video in this post above, and share your thoughts about it with a comment below. 
One reader will win a free 20 pack of AA Duracell Quantum batteries!

Follow along with Duracell on Facebook and Twitter.

*Disclosure* I wrote this review and or giveaway for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Duracell Quantum Batteries. The product(s) in this review were provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting my review and or giveaway. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. This giveaway is provided by the company. Product info and stock images if any are provided by PR or Co.

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20 Lovely Comments:

Sandra VanHoey said... 1

Oh my....seeing that baby start breathing made my day. Talk about heroes, they just don't get enough recognition and they risk their lives to save others. This video is amazing and lets everyone realize just what they do on a daily basis

christopher sorel said... 2

moving way the singer and people talk about. Firefighters are called at moments notice.

G said... 3

Love the true life-saving story of Chelsea and the heroism of the firefighters who saved her! Great reunion video!
Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said... 4

What an awesome story! I cried like a baby and the heroes to put their lives in harms way to save that beautiful little baby and to see her so many years later was so heartwarming!

Margie said... 5

This was an amazing video. Top see the child after all these years must have been an awesome experience for the firefighters. Thanks for this giveaway.

lmurley2000 said... 6

wow what a video, its so heart touching, they have such hard jobs and are not appreciated for the work and their jobs they do, duricell is a great company for giving these batteries to the fire fighter they might just save someone life who knows it might be yours or mine

Ray said... 7

Firefighters are amazing heroes showing true courage! Glad Chelsea was okay and shows how important smoke detectors are!

VickieC said... 9

how amazing that is,,my son in law is a volunteer firefighter an Im a retired Nurse,having smoke an fire detectors in our homes are a must,,no child should ever die in a fire,an these men an women risk their lives everyday to save ppl

latanya t said... 10

I thought the video was very touching and it shows you how precious life is and never to give up. Truly a miracle.

renata said... 11

That video is truly inspiring and an amazing reunion was so sweetly captured! Fabulous that Chelsea was saved!

shirley said... 12

WOW, one amazing video, wish it was made into a commercial, everyone should see it.

debbie said... 13

After having been in a fire myself, I will always feel that firefighters are heroes. I am so glad the baby made it.

blessnel said... 14

I never had a more closer understanding of what seeing through the eyes of a fire fighter of the lives they save until I watched this video. The happiness and satisfaction Lieutenant Kerr felt when the survivor took her first breath from resuscitation is something we all should be lucky to feel sometime in our lives!

Danielle S said... 15

What a super sweet video showing how life is so precious and needs to be saved and savored. Even the littlest of babies need to be saved.

Tamara B. said... 16

OMG it gave me goosebumps every parents nightmare! Kuddos to the wonderful and brave first responders for their heroism and sacrifices. Boy it really hit me in the heart sitting hear crying so happy the baby made it because of their quick thinking and training!

Anonymous said... 18

It was a moving short video that caught by attention from the start with Tim McGraw hosting.

ufg8trj said... 19

so touching, firefighters don't get enough recogition for what they do. It's such a hard job. saving lives is so heroic!

janetfaye said... 20

First responders are true heroes. Chelsea's life was saved by these true heroes.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

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