Coupon good for a free SeaPak product (shrimp or seafood).
Our shrimp and seafood help bring the taste of the coast home to you, and are great for easy meals or holiday entertaining.
Shh! Don't tell Mr. but I got me some of their coconut shrimp to have for lunch one day! Mmm, it was good!
Farm Rich,
Coupon good for a free Farm Rich product (snacks and appetizers).
Easy snacks and appetizers for parties, entertaining, and quick dinners.
I need to head over to Walmart or Target to get some of their cheese sticks!
French Meadow,
Coupon good for a free French Meadow Bakery product (bread, bagels, cookies, brownies, etc.).
French Meadow Bakery products are all-natural and organic, and quite a few are gluten-free as well (along with many other health benefits and special products for certain dietary restrictions). One store here no longer carries this brand, I'll have to keep looking for it.
RichWhip/Coffee Rich,
Coupon good for a free product (RichWhip whipped topping or Coffee Rich coffee creamer).
Focus: Convenient whipped topping/coffee creamer found in your grocer’s freezer section.
We don't have this available near us, so Yay if you do!
Casa di Bertacchi,
Since the meatballs are only sold at Sam's, they are not able to offer coupons. But you can have a chance to win a copy of "101 Things To Do With Meatballs" cookbook, by Stephanie Ashcraft.
High quality meatballs great for an easy dinner or a simple party appetizer.
If you have a Sam's club, have you tried these meatballs? I made my own meatballs for a recipe from this book.
So the recipe I chose from the "101 Things To Do With Meatballs" cookbook, is actually a combination of two. The Parmesan Meatball Biscuits and the Cresent-wrapped Meatballs. Basically it's a meatball wrapped inside a biscuit with cheese. Here's what I did:
cooked meatballs (I used this recipe & baked them off)
refrigerated flaky layer biscuits
grated Parmesan cheese
Italian blend cheese
Italian seasoning
marinara sauce
I took a biscuit, flattened it out, sprinkled some cheeses and Italian seasoning on it, placed a meatball in the middle and wrapped the biscuit up around it sealing it closed. Placed them in a sprayed pie plate, and baked 375' for about 20 minutes. Then I heated up some marinara sauce and we dipped each roll into that. Served with a side salad, and everyone liked it!

ONE "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" readers will win an assortment of Free product coupons and a copy of "101 Things To Do With Meatballs" cookbook!

1. All you have to do is tell me what your favorite recipe with meatballs is!

Earn up to 4 extra entries by showing some "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" bloggie ♥ with these rules*!
-Please post yourself 1 separate comment for each, letting me know which ones you do. Thanks!
-Please post yourself 1 separate comment for each, letting me know which ones you do. Thanks!
2. Follow me on Twitter @MommyImHungry and tweet about this giveaway (use my Tweet button, with these tags @MommyImHungry with this URL in your Tweet)
4. Follow along with this blog (please tell me how you follow, GFC, RSS Feed, etc...)
5. Follow along with my Facebook Fan Page (leave first name, last initial)
6. Follow along with my recipe blog if you're hungry!
This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Wednesday, December 8, 2010.
Please read the fine print:
- Open to USA
- Please leave your email
- Winner(s) will be notified by email and announced on my Blog, Twitter and FB soon after
- I will choose my winner(s) using
- Winner(s) will have 72 hours to claim their prize before a new winner is chosen
- Important! Please read about my giveaway rules HERE*
5. Follow along with my Facebook Fan Page (leave first name, last initial)
6. Follow along with my recipe blog if you're hungry!
This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Wednesday, December 8, 2010.
Please read the fine print:
- Open to USA
- Please leave your email
- Winner(s) will be notified by email and announced on my Blog, Twitter and FB soon after
- I will choose my winner(s) using
- Winner(s) will have 72 hours to claim their prize before a new winner is chosen
- Important! Please read about my giveaway rules HERE*
Be sure to check out my other giveaways too!
I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about 101 Things To Do With Meatballs and Coupons . I received free product to keep for this review. All opinions for this review are that of myself & family. Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co.
*Please follow my recipe blog at it's new URL

68 Lovely Comments:
speghetti and meatballs is my favorite
I follow you on Twitter
A Gregory
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A Gregory
My favorite recipe using meatballs is at showers; I put meatballs in a crock pot with bbq sauce and grape jelly.. yum!
I also follow your recipe blog (Nicole-Lynn).
i love to cook them with my homemade speg. sauce they are so so tasty
follow on GFC as amber01sw
follow on FB as Amber Lusk MacDonald
follow other blog on GFC as amber01sw
I love meatball sandwiches!
I follow along with your blog using google.
I also follow your recipe blog using google.
We make a spanish style rice with diced tomatoes and we nestle meatballs down into the sauce.
I love meatball sub sandwiches! Yum!
I follow by way of RSS feed :-)
I just like meatballs in tomato sauce in a bowl with some garlic bread for dipping. Too bad it we are having turkey tomorrow because I could go for some meatballs!
Ok, I'm not trying to enter the contest, I just wanted to say that the title of that book makes me laugh. Things to do with meatballs? Like... throw them at people you don't like? Use them for paperweights maybe? Hee hee hee.
I make a oriental ground turkey and tofu meatballs, and I put them with sobo noodles. It is really good.
I am a gfc follower.
My favorite is meatball subs and spaghetti and meatballs. I know pretty basic, but I love them.
i like speghetti and meatballs!! :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
follow your recipe blog via GFC :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
follow your recipe blog via FB :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
we love meatballs with bbq sauce on them and served with rice, then with the leftovers meatball sub sandwhiches.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted this
KelliHanis G8 giveaway my son would love it, 101 things 2do w/meatballs.
I follow you on facebook and posted this G8 giveaway, My son would love this if I won it (Would be a great christmas present for him) He would do each recipe of 101 things to do with meatballs. Hehe
Mommy? Im Hungry! Product Reviews and Giveaways: 101 Things To Do With Meatballs and Coupons: Review
family baking cooking recipe food photography reviews giveaways blog.
I follow this blog with my google reader
I follow your other blog with my google reader.
We love turkey meatballs with a side of veggies!
Follow along with this blog on GFC
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FB fan page follower
oh sorry name for above: dina n. ALso
Spaghetti and meatballs is still my favorite
I follow this blog with Google reader
I also follow your recipe blog!
Two of my favorite ways to cook meatballs are Swedish meatballs and spaghetti and meatballs.
My tweet:
I follow your recipe blog via GFC.
A meatball submarine sandwich with lots of cheese & sauce is my favorite meatball recipe!
Thank you!
I follow via e-mail at luckyleigh(AT)frontier(DoT)com
Twitter follower as @FrugalLeigh and tweeted:!/FrugalLeigh/status/8309456731377664
Thanks much!
Facebook follower as Leigh Luck S.
I follow the recipe blog, too. I think it's via GFC as LAR1975; email as luckyleigh(AT)frontier(DOT)com
Thank you!
My favorite is spaghetti and meatballs!
I follow you on GFC!
I like you on facebook (Mindi B)
I follow your recipe blog on GFC!
I like Porcupine Meatballs, made with rice.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you with GFC - janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like you on FB - Janet F
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your recipe blog - janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I don't know what the name of the recipe is but, its meatballs with a sauce that's grape jelly and barbecue sauce. They are soooo yummy!
I follow you on Facebook.
I follow you with Google Friend Connect.
meatball subs for the hubby!! always a winner!
I love to make swedish meatballs
atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com
follow your recipe blog as giveawayinfo
atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com
follow your facebook fanpage Sable S
atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com
follow you on twitter @atlmuzikfanzinc
atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com
I just like classic meatballs and spaghetti! However, my step-dad made an awesome turkey meatball from leftovers at Thanksgiving to put in a soup, and they were a close 2nd!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
Follow you on twitter and tweeted! (@reynoldsmom)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
Follow you on GFC and RSS feed! (Ashley R)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
"Like" you on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
Follow your recipe blog on GFC! (Ashley R)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
cheesy meatball sammy
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
fb fan- ria clarke
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