Here they are! Southern Plate's Mud Hens! These are a cookie bar loaded with chocolate chips, nuts and marshmallows, then on top is this crackly delicate brown sugar meringue that just melts in your mouth! I used crushed sliced almonds in mine. This make a big 9x13 pan size, so there's lots to share.
I wish I could share her recipe with you and you can find similar versions online, but not hers! Instead here's a list of the ingredients:
Southern Plate's Mud Hens
granulated sugar
baking powder
chocolate chips
brown sugar
So my winner of the NESTLÉ Family Holiday Celebrations gift pack, & a Southern Plate cookbook giveaway is #36 Tracy R!
The winner for my Booty Shapers giveaway is: #17 Elaine!
The winner for my 101 things to do with meatballs cookbook & coupons giveaway is: #59 maryjanesharp!
Lastly, my winner for the Auntie Anne's At-Home Baking Kit giveaway is: #41 Kristen!
*Please follow my recipe blog at it's new URL

1 Lovely Comments:
Oh my life, those things look DELICIOUS.
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