I was so happy to be asked to review The Everything Guide to Living Gluten-Free by Jeanine Friesen, she's also the blogger of The Baking Beauties. I have been a fan of her blog so getting to review her book is a treat! I remember when I realized I think I might be Celiac (or those were my symptoms anyways and no I have not had an official Dr. diagnoses of it.) feeling so lost in the gluten free world. I read everything online about this new eating lifestyle I'd have to do if I didn't want to feel so horrible anymore. This book has everything covered if you are new to the gluten free lifestyle of eating. It's a must read, and wish I had it when I started eating gluten free. It can all be confusing and over whelming at first and I think she covered it all so well.
In Jeanine's book The Everything Guide to Living Gluten-free, you will find:
- an understanding of what gluten is, where it is found, and why it is harmful to so many people today.
- why a gluten-free diet helps those with celiac disease, as well other symptoms that can be alleviated by a gluten-free diet.
- how to read labels, set up your gluten-free kitchen, and avoid cross contamination.
- tips on how to travels and eat out while maintaining your gluten-free diet.
- how to be an advocate for your child at school, with their friend’s, and other family members.
Also in this book are 100 gluten free recipes as well as information for gluten-free vegans and vegetarians. If you are gluten free or know someone who needs to be, what a great giveaway this is!
Mmm, fresh warm crepes!
Some of the recipes I have marked from the ebook I am reviewing are:
-pumpkin muffins
-corn bread muffins
-pumpkin snickerdoodles
I reviewed her gluten free crepes recipe, my oldest has been asking for them so this was a wonderful time.
Her crepe recipe includes:
brown rice flour
potato startch
tapioca startch
xanthan gum
granulated sugar
baking powder
oil (I used butter)
After mixing the batter, heat small-medium skillet with a little spray/butter. I used a 1/4 cup scoop of batter (the recipe says to use 3/4 c) and swirled it in the pan covering the entire bottom. They cook quickly so once golden flip the crepe over and cook until that side is done. Layer cooked crepes between sheets of wax paper. May be chilled for later use. I was able to get about 13-14 crepes in a single batch (I did double this because it did not say how many it makes, just that a single batch serves 4). I have blogged about regular crepes before, see my post for that recipe and technique if you do not need to be GF.
Cream Filling:
1 c light sour cream
1 8oz pkg. light cream cheese, softened
1 c powdered sugar
Combine all and keep chilled until ready to serve.
Add a little filling to the middle of the crepe, add berries, roll up and garnish as desired. Enjoy!
These crepes are wonderful!! I love the smell of them as they're baking, and being gluten free, the batter and cooked crepe was so easy to work with! They held up beautifully even being chilled in the fridge for another treat the next day!
crepe swirled in the pan, ready to flip
This book is available online through amazon, barnes and noble and other online bookstores in paperback or kindle edition. You may find Jeanine on Facebook and Twitter as well.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Disclosure* I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about The Everything Guide to Living Gluten-Free . The product(s) in this review were provided to me free of cost via PDF file for the purpose of conducting my review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

16 Lovely Comments:
I cant help but think we'd "feel" better going GF
I've eaten gluten-free for 8 months now and would love to have a physical resource in my hands to help broaden my eating options and GF recipes! This looks like an excellent book!
The book looks great! Thanks for sharing! :)
We have been Gluten Free for 2 years now. My daughter & I suffer from SEVERE stomach issues and many other problems too due to Gluten-Intolerance. 2 of my 3 boys have other issues related to Gluten including unexplained seizures, urinary, and bowl problems. It would be nice to have an all inclusive book on being Gluten-Free, not just recipes alone but LOTS of tips.
I went Gluten Free last Summer ater researching ue to staying sick for 2 1/2 years. After doing it for only one day, my husband saw a huge difference in my energy & overall mood!! I am still learning & mainly depending on prepackaged items due to my busy life of a mom of 4, wife, and college student. I don't have any gluten free books so this would be a great one to get me started on making my own gf goodies.
My husband has a huge amount of food related allergies, this book would be so much help in creating delicious healthy meals gor my family.
Always looking for new GF recipes.. so happy to find your blog :)
I have 2 Children with Autism who benefot from a gluten free diet. The less toxins they get from their food the more they are able to concentrate. The bigest challenge we have is making a yummy sandwich for school lunches. I am always on the lookout for gluten free baking recipes as I have yet to find a sandwich bread that I truly like. We've been gluten free as a household for just over a year.
My family would benefit from this cookbook.
Any way that I can learn to cook healthier for my family, I love it! Thank you
I always love finding new GF resources! My hubby was diagnosed with celiac in December, so we are still very new to the diet. I would love to win a copy!
I have four family members at the moment having to follow a gluten free diet, so books like this are an excellent resource for me.
Our family eats GF, and I love Jeanine's recipes! Would love to have her new cookbook!
My family would benefit from a copy of the Everthing Guide to GF Living by partaking of the food I will make from the recipes. I love to bake and cook. I have been GF for 7 years. I also have a blog GlutenFreeBakingBear.com
We would benefit from this book by giving us access to great recipes! I have been gluten free for a while now and the rest of my family is partially gf. All our main meals exclude gluten.
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