Since today is my official 2nd Blogoversary, I'm offering this to you right off the gift table! The kind people from Grill Daddy Pro are offering a Grill Daddy cleaning brush! I really like this thing, I use it every single time I grill. It does a superb job at cleaning the grill. You can read my full review here on it.
Check out my video I made of us using it
Grilling burgers for my virtual Blogoversary party!
One lucky reader will win one Grill Daddy cleaning brush! (I am not sure if it'll be the bigger or smaller one)
*ENTER TO WIN! Leave 1 comment below with your answer & your email to qualify.
- Being my 2nd blogoversary here, what would you grill up to share at my virtual party?
*BONUS: Optional, earn up to 6 more entries by showing some "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" bloggie luv! -Please post yourself a separate comment for each one that you do or if you already are:
1. Follow me with my Twitter side bar widget
2. Tweet about this giveaway, copy this: ~*~*~* Happy 2nd Blogoversary @MommyImHungry!! Win Giveaways! RT *~*~*~
3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog & post your link here
4. Follow "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" w/my Google Friend Connect side bar widget
5. Follow "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" w/my Facebook Fan side bar widget
6. Add my blog button to your site & post your link here
This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Saturday, June 27, 2009.
Please read the fine print:
-Open to all USA residents (due to shipping)
-I will verify links/names to be fair
-You must leave me your email so I can contact you if you've won
-Winner(s) will be posted on my Blog & Twitter
-I will choose my winner(s) using
Thank you Grill Daddy!
I guess the neighbors will provide the music at my party! We saw him walking down the road playing (his tuba?). You don't see that every day! lol

24 Lovely Comments:
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Mmmm, I would grill up some Brown Sugar Bananas!!
eggplant and zucchini!
I would grill up some good moist & juicy bbq chicken =)
I follow you on twitter =)
I tweeted =)
My husband does our grilling and would love this, He would grill up Brauts but I would like to toss on some Pineapple, YUM!!!!
I am a google friend!
Happy Blogoversary! I'll grill some steak to share.
- Being my 2nd blogoversary here, what would you grill up to share at my virtual party?
pulled bbq with my dad's sauce and creamy cole slaw
1. Follow me with my Twitter side bar widget
i do as spvaughan
spvaughan Happy 2nd Blogoversary @MommyImHungry!! Win Giveaways! RT
4. Follow "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" w/my Google Friend Connect side bar widget
i'm there
5. Follow "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" w/my Facebook Fan side bar widget
i there as Sandra.Vaughan
6. Add my blog button to your site & post your link here
you are buttoned in my roller
Sandra Vaughan MommyImHungry!! Win Giveaways!
facebooked with the picture of the bash button
Mmmm... lamb chops and asparagus!!!!
Hmmm...I'd probably grill some veggies from the garden and pork chops! Happy Blogoversary!
Just a Small Town Girl: 1 Bonus entry for adding my party button early! Thank you!
Night Owl Mama: 1 Bonus entry for adding my party button early! Thank you!
spvaughan blogoversary party-day 6 giveaway
spvaughan yahoo com
my hubby is the grill king, lol. So I would have him grill up some carne asada or carne adobada that had been marinating in spices overnight, make a fresh pico de gallo to top it and warm some corn tortillas on the grill too!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
twitter follower @micaela6955
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micaela6955 at msn dot com
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