Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Silly Me! Another Winner!

My mind has been every where lately (blog party planning) that I forgot I had 2 winners for the Pillsbury bake off magazine and doughboy doll!

So, instead of helping me out, I asked my Twitter tweeple to choose a number. The first number tweeted back to me was #4 by @PheMom! Thanks Holly!

Congrats Danica!! You win!
This is kinda fun, Danica and I met online just the other week. She's a local gal here who would love to break into the reviews and giveaways too! Well, here ya go, they're real! You really do win prizes!

Watch your email!


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3 Lovely Comments:

Anonymous said... 1

Just stumbled across your blog and it is too cute! Good work!

dstar said... 3

I am so excited to win!! I think it is funny, I just stumbled across your blog, we live in the same city and I win a prize!! Yeah!!

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