Sunglass Replicas offer cheap in price Sunglasses & Replica Sunglasses under $20.
At, sunglasses are inspired by the popular designers to create something that appeals to the connoisseurs of fashion sunglasses. These are not fake or knock offs, but an expression of artistic freedom that gets inspired from the creation of a talented designer. That's why they are known as replica sunglasses, and not passed off as the real ones.
They've got Aviator Sunglasses and sunglasses for Men, Women, Celebrity style and Polarized too. They have hundreds to choose from! You can shop by departments, compare to top name brand styles, by colors, large frames or small faced frames.
For my review I choose these Small Face DG Sunglasses O11-DG585 BROWN WHITE/BROWN CLEAR frames.
-UV400 protected quality lenses on the sunglasses.
-Premium metal or plastic frames on sunglasses.
-Latest and stylish sunglasses for Men and Women with price cheaper than designers.
-FREE shipping in United States for order over $30.
-Ships Worldwide Australia, France, United Kingdom, Norway and other countries.
-30 Day Money Back or exchange with RMA request.
I went with the small frames and thinner ear pieces because I thought they'd fit my face better and wouldn't hurt my ears. I also choose smaller eye pieces since I'm not a fan of sunglasses hitting my cheeks. I like these! They feel ok, I think it takes some time getting used to wearing sunglasses again (that ear pain part), and maybe it's just me, but sometimes my eyelashes hit them, lol. Anyways, I am happy with these they are durable and nice quality, not cheap in quality just affordable and the company is great! They ship out fast too.
lol, sorry no smile, it's hard to take your own photo, not knowing how it's aiming
If you like what has to offer, please follow them on Twitter and like them on Facebook!

ONE "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" reader will win a pair of sunglasses from!

1. Become a MIH Blog Follower with either Google Friend Connect or by email and visit their site and tell me which pair you might pick out!

Earn up to 5 extra entries by showing some "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" bloggie ♥ with these rules*!
-Please post yourself 1 separate comment for each entry, Thanks!
-Please post yourself 1 separate comment for each entry, Thanks!
2. Follow me on Twitter @MommyImHungry and tweet about this giveaway URL (use my Tweet buttons above or below this post)
3. Become a MIH Facebook Fan
4. Follow along with my MIH recipe blog if you're hungry
5. Like SunglassReplicas on Facebook
6. Follow SunglassReplicas on Twitter
This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Monday, February 14, 2011.
Please read the fine print:
- Open to USA
- Please leave your email
- Winner(s) will be notified by email (check junk files!) & announced on my Blog, Twitter & FB soon after
- I will choose my winner(s) using
- Winner(s) will have 72 hours to claim their prize before a new winner is chosen
- Important! Please read about my giveaway rules HERE*
4. Follow along with my MIH recipe blog if you're hungry
5. Like SunglassReplicas on Facebook
6. Follow SunglassReplicas on Twitter
This Giveaway ends: 11:59 pm pst, Monday, February 14, 2011.
Please read the fine print:
- Open to USA
- Please leave your email
- Winner(s) will be notified by email (check junk files!) & announced on my Blog, Twitter & FB soon after
- I will choose my winner(s) using
- Winner(s) will have 72 hours to claim their prize before a new winner is chosen
- Important! Please read about my giveaway rules HERE*
Be sure to check out my other giveaways too!

I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about I received free product to keep for this review from through MamaBuzz. All opinions for this review are that of myself & family. Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co.

42 Lovely Comments:
I'm a follower via GFC! I would go for the Designer Inspired Calvin Klein Sunglasses. LOVE sun glasses!!!!!
I follow your recipe blog too!
I'm also a follower of MIH on FB!
I'm an Email Subscriber! I like the Oversized Oval Stle Glasses!
I Follow your Recipe Blog!
Fan of Mommy I'm Hungry(Tami Vollenweider)!
Fan of Sunglass Replicas(Tami Vollenweider)!
Follow Sunglass Replica on Twitter (@tamivol)!
I am big fan of Aviator and summer is coming up. I love their style Shield aviators for women which is not that classic and my wife will love it. They are cheap..
subscribe via email and I like the Circular Arms Retro Look
follow your recipe blog
Follow SunglassReplicas on Twitter!/HappyTina0115/status/33216220274622464
Rhinestone Vintage Retro Style and i follow on GFC as amber01sw
like u on fb as Amber MacDonald
follow other blog on GFC as amber01sw
follow them on twitter as DraagonFlySweetN
I really like the O8-DG30_DESIGNER_SUNGLASSES which are the metal shield type.
I follow you via GFC. ID: Lyndadawinda1074
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I follow your recipe blog via GFC. ID: Lyndadawinda1074
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I follow your recipe blog via GFC. ID: Lyndadawinda1074
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter. ID: Lyndadawinda
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
follow you via GFC and would love to have the big retro cat eye style D/G
like you on Facebook
I'm a follower via GFC! under Ciji I like the Spy Optic Inspired Sunglasses!!
I following @MommyImHungry on twitter under Surfin2day
I'm a MIH Facebook Fan under CiJi Cline
I'm following our MIH recipe blog! under Ciji
I liked SunglassReplicas on Facebook Under CiJi Cline
Following SunglassReplicas on Twitter under @surfin2day
I tweeted:!/Surfin2day/statuses/34629401157050369
GFC follower I like the Versace designer inspired ones here:
micaela6955 at msn dot com
like you on FB Michele Pineda
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Sunglass Replicas FB fan M Pineda
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I tweeted:
My tweet!!/Surfin2day/statuses/36060200351825920
I follow and I would probably choose the Retro Thick Frames
bmweida at yahoo dot com
I follow Sunglass Replicas on Twitter @RazzMyBerry
bmweida at yahoo dot com
gfc follower and like the D&G "like" inspired metal sports sunglasses
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like on fb(Michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
gfc follower of mih recipe blog
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like sunglass replicas on fb
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
twitter follower & tweeted!/ChelleB36/status/37343230148214785
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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