Alouette was an “all-natural” fit to sponsor the Portion Size Me Summer Tour, which will travel the country in a 1974 Airstream Sovereign Trailer and make stops at local zoos, book stores, walks and festivals.The brand recently launched Alouette Portions, a new line of 100 percent all-natural, ready-to-eat portion-sized spreadable cheese with 40 calories per individually wrapped serving, and 60 percent less sodium than other spreadable portion-sized cheeses on the market. The new product is available in two flavors – Original and Italian Herbs – and retails for $3.99 in grocery store deli sections nationwide.
I am loving these little Alouette Portions, I take them with me to the race track for my snack with rice crackers.
Tired of being picked on, unhappy with his appearance, and feeling down on himself, Marshall Reid decided to change his lifestyle and demanded that his family help him along the way. His plan was simple. For thirty-one days, Marshall made a conscious decision about every piece of food he put into his body.
An idea was born. For an entire month, the Reids as a family "portion sized" themselves. Weary of trying to follow strict, depriving diets, they instead paid close attention to how they ate by looking at portions, reading labels, and learning about ingredients. In the process, they came to know so much more about each other-and about themselves.
Follow Marshall and his family on their journey and learn the helpful and healthful tips and tricks they used to create a whole new lifestyle. Marshall knew his plan wouldn't always be easy, but his safe advice and kid-friendly tips will have your child eager to take charge in the kitchen, and in life as well!
“With the Portion Size Me lifestyle, I didn’t want to give up cheese as one of my favorite foods,” said Reid. “Thankfully, Alouette has done the ‘portioning’ for me by offering a 40-calorie all-natural option of their delicious spreadable cheese that I can enjoy virtually anytime of day – on a whole-grain bagel or toast before school, with crackers or pretzel sticks at lunch, or even with my fruits and veggies as a snack. Plus, the Portions are made with just fresh milk and cream, and you can’t get anymore all-natural than that.”
Fans of Alouette Cheese can follow the Portion Size Me Summer Tour on Facebook ( beginning on June 12 for thechance to win exciting prizes.
About Alouette
The Alouette® brand has grown over the years, extending its unique line of cheeses to include a wide variety of Alouette® Spreadable Cheese flavors as well as other specialty cheese products, such as the award-winning Alouette® Baby Brie. Today, Alouette® is a leading brand in the Specialty Cheese Category in the UnitedStates and is the #1 brand of Premium Spreadable Cheese.
I love to add one to my egg & mushroom scramble too.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Disclosure* I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Alouette . The product(s) in this review were provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting my review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co.

17 Lovely Comments:
Im trying to cut back on sugar
Trying to not eat late at night.
I have been adding whole grains, like quinoa in my cooking.
Trying to limit and use portion control,
I have eliminated soft drinks and walk 2 miles per day
Replace our sugars and fats with more fruits and veggies!
We've quit having our late night snack while we watch TV. We used to have some ice cream or similar sweet treat and it was hard to stop but we've weaned ourselves.
I stopped drinking soda, coffee, cut back on meat and am eating more whole grain
Last year I lost a good amount of weight. I was never over weight, but I wasn't happy with my thighs. I lost the weight with in 2 months by exercising and portion control. Now, I am slender, but I feel myself slowing slipping back into my old habits. Now that it is summer, I don't have sports to keep me in shape. I am trying to exercise once a day and control what I eat but it is hard. With August about to start however, I am going to make this month a healthy one!
eating more vegetables.
Trying to make better decisions while grocery shopping.
just found your recipe for the zucchini brownies... made them as soon as i saw the recipe all i can say is YUM!!! what a great way to get my 2YO to eat a few veggies!
we are growing fresh things in our garden eating less canned or trying to can our own food.
I stopped drinking soda
Amanda S-K
I plan on freezer cooking more and portion sizing that way
I found out I'm insulin resistant so I'm cutting out sugar and replacing it with equal sweetener for starters.
I have incorporated more salads into my diet. Thanks for the yummy giveaway :)
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
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