For your Summer's picnics or cookouts, please consider the wide variety of award-winning, quality products in Target’s ever-expanding grocery section for some flavor inspiration.
Target fans will find many seasonal favorites including watermelon, cherries, berries, corn on the cob, ground beef and other meats perfect for the grill. With delicious products and fresh produce now available at many locations, the one-stop shop makes hosting a summer soiree tastier and more affordable than ever.
We were sent some of the great products Archer Farms offer, perfect for Summer time eats.
- Archer Farms Grilling Sauce – Chile Lime, Garlic & Cracked Pepper
- Archer Farms Burger Mix – Chile Lime, Jalapeno Jack Cheese
- Archer Farms Berry Blend Granola Mix
- Archer Farms Freeze Dried Vegetables – Salted Edamame, Green Peas, Sweet Corn
- Archer Farms Simply Balanced Drink Mixes (Blackberry Blueberry, Apple Pear, Strawberry Dragonfruit, Pomegranate Yumberry, Acai Punch)
The Garlic and Cracked Pepper grilling sauce has wheat in it, so I passed that on to my Brother, since it is not gluten free for me. The kids loves the granola mix on some yogurt, and they even loved the freeze dried veggies!! The corn was pretty good I say. I found the drinks to be too sweet for me (used to drinking plain water), so my oldest is enjoying those. I made some burgers with the Jalapeno Jack Cheese mix and they were great, and not too spicy, even the little ones didn't notice.
Jalapeno Jack Cheese burger seasoning mix, made for some tasty but not too spicy burgers.
My oldest loved all these flavored drink mixes.
- A wicker picnic basket
- A complete picnic plastic-ware set: lemonade jar, tumblers, glasses, bowls, small and medium plates
- Summer picnic quilt
- Archer Farms Grilling Sauces – Chile Lime, Garlic & Cracked Pepper
- Archer Farms Burger Mixes – Chile Lime, Green Chile Mesquite or Jalapeno Jack Cheese
- Archer Farms Simply Balanced Drink Mixes (2 of the 5 flavors)
- Archer Farms Freeze Dried Vegetables – Roasted Sweet Corn, Sweet Peas, Salted Edamame
- Archer Farms Berry Blend Granola Mix
- Archer Farms Savory Grilled Flavored Snack Mix
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Disclosure* I wrote this review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Target Archer Farms. The product(s) in this review were provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting my review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Product info & stock images provided by PR or Co. Thank you!

37 Lovely Comments:
We went to Disneyland already! Hoping to hit Pretend City next :)
weve been having tons of bbqs!
I've been exploring SoCal!
Cool contest!! We'll be taking many picnics with family around the city!!
Nothing now but beach in the fall
I'm a huge fan of Target and this looks like such a fun package =) PS: the question should be, "what haven't I done this summer" ;)
We are playing in the water park in our neighborhood with our friends!! Come play with us!!
we had 8 weekends in a row of traveling to baseball tournaments - tiring but lots of fun
msboatgal at
I'm working lots on Martha's Vineyard, and happily cooking away! Hoping to get some beach time in!
spending time with family
we went to great wolf lodge, we are playing in the water as much as we can, and bbq'n!
My daughter and I have spent our summer at the beach! We love it and are having such a great time! To win this giveaway would be perfect because we have grilled out almost every day.
We have been enjoying lots of sunny and fun park days!
We stayed at home this summer, due to my son's recovery from a surgery. We have gone to the park and had picnics.
So far, we've been having playdates with our son's former classmates. We've also been to the beach and lake for some family fun time.
This all looks amazing!! Hope I can win some of this awesomeness!! :)
I will be visiting family in north dakota, minnesota, and south dakota to go to weddings, 65th wedding anniversary parties, and my grandmothers 90th birthday!! :)
going to legoland
Can't wait for our staycation later this month. It's our first vacation of any sort as a family!
Scouring as many garage sales and flea markets as possible. I do love a good treasure hunt. :)
We are just staying at home, and waiting for cooler weather.
royalegacy at gmail
We went to the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee, it's gorgeous! We've got some camping trips planned but not until the weather gets cooler.
We haven't had much of a summer yet! We did our traveling in April & May. We are having a 100th birthday party for my Grandma in August!
Having a great summer....trying to stay COOL for sure! No traveling but having some out of town guests!
we are taking it easy & staying close to home
calliope_123 at hotmail dot com
anne hill
Just got the Archer Farms Freeze-Dried Peas and Corn today! They're so yummy! I'd love to try the products you've mentioned here!
Hubby and I are traveling to see our grandbabies and stopping to fish along the way :)
We just got back from Connecticut (Home Sweet Home) and I would love to go to an amusement park with the kids before school starts but it is soooo hot. Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
Not traveling because we have a baby but we are swimming and grilling!
Lots of family visits this summer - babies being born, weddings, etc. We've seen everyone this year!
trying to stay away from the heat! watching the olympics!
family74014 at gmail dot com
rafflecopter: alaine
Lots of gardening!
It's been a summer of working but that's okay - we're saving up for our delayed honeymoon :)
We are spending lots of time together as a family this summer!
We're soaking up the sunshine by the pool as much as possible!
We're enjoying our new pool this summer, and the AC in our new house! (We didn't have either before!)
We vacationed at the lake and are going to Kennywood
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