I was recently sent a few bars of homemade soaps from a dear lovely friend who I'd love for you to meet! Jennifer lovingly creates 100% home and handmade soap and body products. All of her products are gluten free. Her soaps would be a perfect gift for Christmas, birthdays and any special occasion! Please come and check out her Facebook page Elizabeth RoseMarie Soap for more information and tell her I sent you!
She was kind to send us scents of Surf's Up, Iced Gingerbread, Pumpkin Spice and Sunny Day.
These soaps are creamy, smell delicious and leave your skin so silky smooth and wonderful!
This is a fun festive scent called Iced Gingerbread. It really smells, well, delicious!
They lather up well!
I had sent her my leftover kelp tablets I wasn't taking anymore and she in return sent me a bar of soap she used them in! How cool is that? This one is called Surf's Up.
Jennifer Kistler Soap Artist:
*Disclosure* I wrote this personal review for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about Elizabeth RoseMarie Soaps. The product(s) in this post were given to me as a gift from my friend.

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