California teachers! It's time again for the Cal Water H2O Challenge!
Cal Water H2O Challenge's Classroom Challenge is a project-based, environmentally-focused competition for classrooms, grades 4-6. Designed in conjunction with NAAEE, the WestEd K-12 Alliance, and Cal Water, and aligned with the Common Core State Standards and complementary to the Next Generation Science Standards, the Classroom Challenge offers a unique opportunity for upper elementary teachers to facilitate their students’ learning of standards-based content, while developing the core understanding of environmental principles necessary to becoming science-literate citizens.
Involving your students in the Cal Water H2O Challenge's Classroom Challenge not only teaches them to understand water as a local and global resource, but also encourages social responsibility and engages your student as active agents in their community.
Sadly, our school is NOT eligible in the Cal Water Service Area. Please be sure to check if yours is. Final registration deadline for your classroom is January 31, 2018.
*Disclosure* I wrote this post for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about California Water H2O Challenge . Info and stock images if any are provided by PR or Co. Moms Meet #sponsored
Involving your students in the Cal Water H2O Challenge's Classroom Challenge not only teaches them to understand water as a local and global resource, but also encourages social responsibility and engages your student as active agents in their community.
Classroom prizes include $3,500 grant for 1st place, $2,500 for 2nd place, $2,000 for 3rd and $1,000 grant for 4th place plus prize packs for each student!
Sadly, our school is NOT eligible in the Cal Water Service Area. Please be sure to check if yours is. Final registration deadline for your classroom is January 31, 2018.
*Disclosure* I wrote this post for "Mommy? I'm Hungry!" about California Water H2O Chall
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